Taking The Dogs For A Walk Papercut Picture

With the leaves starting to fall from the trees, we thought it would be a perfect time to update our popular Couple walking in the forest papercut with man and woman's best friends enjoying the fresh air with them.
The scene can.be bought with one or two dogs included, walking through the forest.
The picture is cut into several layers of card and mounted in a deep box frame, so when it is placed in a well lit area the picture creates magical shadows on the mount behind.
The picture comes with 2 Labradors as standard, but If you want a particular breed of dog included in the picture, please get in touch, we would be happy to make one for you. Simply select Bespoke Dogs as an option and leave a note with your order which dogs you would like.
The black box frame is as eco-friendly as we could find, being made from recycled polystyrene. It also benefits from a glass front.
Now available in 10", 15" and 20" sizes.